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Tips for Cutting Your Sugar Consumption

SugarThe American Heart Association currently recommends that most women should consume no more than 100 calories of additional sugar per day; and men, no more than 150. Yet the recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey revealed that Americans take in an average 355 calories of added sugar per day.

A myriad of other studies have also confirmed that too much sugar in our diets contribute to all sorts of health complications, beyond just obesity.

So it makes sense to try to curtail sugar intake. But where do you start?

Spring Fitness Tip - Walking Can Impact Propensity for Obesity

Decrease_Obesity_Risk_with_WalkingAccording to a new American Heart Association study, the lifestyle choices people make for their leisure time can affect their propensity toward obesity.

Most people know that if they exercise, they can better manage their weight. But it is often thought that those that are prone to obesity can't do much to affect those genes that lead to that propensity.

This new American Heart Association study introduced last week indicates that taking a brisk walk for an hour (or doing another exercise of the similar intensity for an hour) a day can actually impact the effect of those genes..In fact, it can weaken the effect of those genes by half.

And what was the worst activity to impact those genes that lead to a propensity for obesity?

Not All HCG Diet Plans Are The Same

hcg Diet 700-900 Calories

Looking For Quick Weight Loss?  The HCG Diet Can Be the Answer But Consumer Beware....Not Every Plan Is The Same!

Hop online and search for “diet” or “weight loss” and you will be overwhelmed with the different sites offering quick weight loss plans.

And one of those diets that has increased in popularity recently is the HCG diet.

While the results most patients are achieving with HCG are amazing, many less than reputable sources have jumped on the diet bandwagon that lots of experts are warning  consumers to pay attention before buying and using those supplements.

Vitamin B12: The Shot In The Arm You Just May Need To Boost Your Energy.

B-12_InjectionWhat exactly is vitamin B12 and why do we need it?

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that is found in our food and we need it to keep our nerve cells healthy and to keep our red blood cells at optimum efficiency. It is also extremely important for proper digestion; in fact, our stomach acids grab the B12 from food and mix it with IF, which is then easily absorbed by the intestinal tract.

If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, you are likely to feel tired, lightheaded, and weak. You're gums may bleed and you will probably experience digestion problems such as diarrhea. You may feel tingling in your hands or feet, get out of breath easily, hear a ringing sound in your ears, have chest tightness, and develop neurological symptoms such as forgetfulness, a lack of ability to focus, and becoming easily confused.

Fun Valentine's Day Ideas for the Whole Family

Valentines_Day_Craft_IdeasThere's no reason why the whole family can't celebrate Valentine's Day.

If you'd like to make it a special day for everyone, here are some ideas to help you get started.

Start a Tradition
You can start a whole new tradition, or maybe revisit one from your childhood. Traditions are one of the main things that make holidays memorable and fun. For example, you could begin by putting a little gift at your children's place at the table in the morning. It could be a small box of candy or piece of jewelry. Waking up and finding something at the breakfast table can be really exciting for kids.

You could also have a tradition like making a favorite dessert or special meal together. Many of the ideas that follow can become traditions.

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