Five Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habits To Start Today.
Trying to lose weight? If you are, you might be happy to know that a few, fat burning habits can speed up the process. These are things you can also do as part of our Rapid Weight Loss Program to help you reach your goal weight even faster.
In fact, a few lifestyle changes and new habits can make a huge difference whether you're following a weight loss program or not.
So, without further ado, here are five great rapid weight loss, fat burning habits to consider adding to your daily routine right now.
5 Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habits to Start Right Now....
Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habit #1: Eat often. It may sound strange but if you eat more frequently you can help your body burn fat and experience a more rapid weight loss. The key is to make smart food choices. Additionally, you’ll want to eat smaller meals. If you generally eat three larger meals each day, try eating 5-6 smaller meals. They fill you up quickly and keep your appetite at bay for hours.
Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habit #2: Eat protein. Protein helps balance your blood sugar which aids in rapid weight loss. Instead of the spikes and plummets you experience with starchy carbohydrates and sugary snacks, you feel full and satisfied. You have an even level of energy for longer. And you don’t get hungry or experience cravings. As part of our Rapid Weight Loss Program, we provide you with a custom meal plan to follow which has the right amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates to help you achieve quick, lasting weight loss.
Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habit #3: Drink water. Often thirst is mistaken for hunger. Drinking more fluid each day can help you feel full. Water can also help flush the toxins from your body. Many toxins affect metabolism, inflammation and the release of fat into your body. All in all drinking more water is a fantastic fat burning habit to adopt.
Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habit #4: Walk More. Bodies in motion have faster metabolisms. The more you move the more calories you burn. Experts recommend walking ten thousand steps a day. That’s about five miles. If you can squeeze in a few ten minute walks throughout your day, you’re going to make that quota easily. You’ll likely also find you’re going to feel better too. If you need help in designing a weight loss fitness plan, we can create a custom plan that's right for you.
Rapid Weight Loss, Fat Burning Habit #5: Monitor Your Progress. Studies show that people who track key points of their diet plan, especially with the aid of an online system, lose more weight than those who diet without one. In fact, a report published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity showed significantly more successful weight loss results from those who planned their meals, tracked calories and tracked fat on most days of the week. That's why as part of our Rapid Weight Loss Program, we offer the online EZDietPlanner & Fitness Tracker ™. This weight loss tool will help you follow our program and monitor your progress online or on-the-go.
Doctors and fitness experts agree that one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight is to change your lifestyle, adopt healthy habits and get rid of the unhealthy ones. These five healthy, fat burnning habits are a great start to losing the weight you want and keeping it off for good!
Dr. Sattele's Rapid Weight Loss Program: Quick Weight Loss Made Easy
To learn more about our Rapid Weight Loss Program as well as how to enter the Body Focus Challenge, we invite you to schedule a FREE Body Fat Analysis at one of our Rapid Weight Loss Centers: In Florence, at 707 S Parker Drive, Florence, SC 29501 and in North Myrtle Beach, at 1006 6th Avenue S, Suite 1, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
At that time, you'll also learn more about our Fitness Center including Boot Camp Florence, HCG Diet Plan, Rapid Weight Loss Programs for quick weight loss in Florence, Hartsville and Myrtle Beach or the Body Focus 21 Day Cleanse Diet Plan, Cleanse 21 ™ and body shaping programs including Zerona Body Slimming Treatments.
For directions or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Sattele, give our office a call at (843) 536-1096.
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